Canal Map

Canal Map
Canal Map
The New York canal system has been in continuous operation since 1825. The Erie Canalway provides 524 continuous miles of navigable waterways. For more information on the canal system

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Back in Geneva, Again

Sailboats on the Buffalo Water Front

We departed early from Buffalo to take advantage of the low seas and easterly wind.  Before leaving the inner harbor, the boys in blue decided to pay us a visit.  We were boarded by the Coast Guard for a safety inspection which we passed with flying colors.  Vick forgot to ask if we could take their picture.  :)

The trip across the lake to Geneva was so uneventful that Captain Rick may have dozed off at one point . . .

After an early afternoon dockage and boat cleaning, we visited the beach and enjoyed some sand time.

Sun Bathers on Lake Erie

Sunset on Buffalo Harbor
                                                       Dinner on the boat tonight, time to clean out the refrigerator!

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