Canal Map

Canal Map
Canal Map
The New York canal system has been in continuous operation since 1825. The Erie Canalway provides 524 continuous miles of navigable waterways. For more information on the canal system

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 2 - On to Dunkirk, NY

The departure of several fishing charters at 4:45 am was our wake up call today in Geneva on the Lake.  The National Weather Service was predicting calm seas so we planned an early departure,  But Lake Erie, true to her character, didn't hear from the National Weather Service so we had 2 to 4 foot waves directly on our bow for the entire trip to Dunkirk, NY.  Staying close to shore we could see the picturesque bluffs, but it was waaay too choppy for pictures.  We arrived in Dunkirk around noon, fueled up and moved to our assigned dock with the help of several local people.

Tomorrow to Buffalo and the Erie Canal.  Of course, the National Weather Service has promised us 1 foot or less wave for our 1.5 hour trip.   We'll see..  After that it's 5 to 10 miles per hour for the next 400 miles.

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