Canal Map

Canal Map
Canal Map
The New York canal system has been in continuous operation since 1825. The Erie Canalway provides 524 continuous miles of navigable waterways. For more information on the canal system

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"On the Road Again" or the Canal is Open!

We pulled out of St. Johnsville this morning at 8:30 and by 4:00 pm we had passed through 8 locks and dropped  91 feet.  Many of the dams had flood gates open so there were strong currents and lots of debris after each lock.  Captain Rick did an excellent job of steering and no loud thumps or dings occurred!

It was a gray overcast day with the sun breaking through in the early evening as we sat at the dock in Schenectady.

For the past 15 years we've driven along the canal on I-90 now we're on the canal looking at I-90.

Some of the debris along the canal.

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