Canal Map

Canal Map
Canal Map
The New York canal system has been in continuous operation since 1825. The Erie Canalway provides 524 continuous miles of navigable waterways. For more information on the canal system

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Low Bridge Everybody Down, Low Bridge for We're Comin' to a Town

Today was a day of lift bridges, 12 to be exact.The bridge tenders knew where we were and then would either call ahead or drive to the next bridge and open it for us to pass under. The portion of the Erie Canal  that we traveled today most closely resembles the original Eric Canal as a ditch dug thought the landscape with towpaths on either side. When the canal was orginally proposed it was called "Clinton's Ditch".  Near Rochester we passed through "Rock Cut" where extensive excavation through solid rock  was accomplished 80 years ago, before modern earth moving machinery.
  As we cruised along at 8 miles per hour we had bikes, runners and jogging strollers passing us !  We saw two different groups of rowing teams practicing in the canal as we passed.  Tonight we tied up at Fairport and were treated to a live concert across the canal.

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